Monday, July 4, 2011

Jottings: Life

Endings & Beginnings!         
By Ashutosh Sharma                                                                       
 Mistakes are quite natural to all of us. Sometimes observations and decisions prove wrong. We regret profusely cursing our mental faculties. The intrepid ones decide not to repeat the same in future and start afresh with renewed zeal. 

However not everyone wants to mend ways or learns a lesson. Sometimes reason and courage fail them to come out of the maze of distress. Their urge for life hits the rock bottom and they find themselves in midst of question: Is life worth living?

During a recent visit to a doctor in a hospital, I met a young demure girl- a patient coping with after impacts of Manic Depressive Psychosis. She had come for some prescriptions and counseling. 

While she was talking to the doctor, I guessed that she had attempted suicide but was saved by timely intervention of family. Death eluded her putting her again “tangle” of life. 

Life after death fascinates most of us. However, neither we can experience death while living nor know about the experience from any other person. Yet certainly, we can know how it feels like after a failed suicide attempt. 

As the doctor was scribbling prescription, I humbly introduced myself as a journalist to her and asked her about her life after suicide attempt. 

She grew pensive for a while, and then said philosophically: “Life appears to be a riddle wrapped in a mystery. But, can death be solution to the problems of life? No. Why? Because how one could be very sure about something – death - unknown and unfamiliar. I have had a love-hate relationship with life for the past 25 years. Death is quite stranger to me and no sane person would rely on a stranger.” 

Silence filled the room and after a pause, she picked up the threads of discussion and quoted a Chinese proverb with a grin on her face: “Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.” 

After she left, the doctor on being asked told me that such patients are usually filled with a feeling of guilt and remorse over taking such steps. 

It’s just a matter of seconds during which such sudden actions like suicide attempts are usually taken. It is a state of frenzy in which the thinking is completely clouded. After that moment is gone the thought of ending life is also over. As our conversation was going on, assistant of the doctor interrupted and informed that the PC (computer) was hung up. The doctor suggested, “The only alternative is ‘restart’ option: turn the PC off and then on.” 

After I took their leave and quit the room, I heard saying to myself: “Life could be much simpler only if one knew use of restart option on the PC called life, after any accidental system failure. Endings and beginnings should remain on our palm !’’ 

1 comment:

  1. Wndrfl and inspiring story. Indeed, one should never give up hope. Being optimistic is the key to keep one going against all odds. I lv to read ur this story again n again as it is indeed wonderfully written with a soul in it. great job. keep it up....Ranjit.
